We can run a private, bespoke course based around your own needs. Darkroom masterclass, beginner’s course on landscape photography, a mix of shooting and processing…anything. Mostly we run darkroom workshops for beginners and those with some skills who wish to improve to move to the next level with their print quality. We provide equipment and materials as needed.
All photo courses and darkroom workshops are with Ilford Master Darkroom Printer Dave Butcher.
Just fill in your requirements in an email, including preferred dates, and we’ll get back to you with a price.
Covid-19 Note: Due to Covid-19 we are not running landscape photography courses or darkroom workshops at the moment. We were hoping to resume running courses and workshops in 2021 but the number of new cases reported daily was so high that we are still waiting until it is safe to run them (I have chronic asthma so am being more cautious as a result).
If you would like to be added to the waiting list please send me an email (see contact page). We will contact you and agree dates in the order in which we are asked to add details to the list.
For information, for film photography in the Peak District where we live, or a darkroom workshop, the cost is £300 per day for up to a maximum of 2 consecutive days.
I can also run a 2 day course where we go out so that you take landscape photographs, using film cameras (we will lend you a Nikon camera if you don’t have one), in the surrounding Peak District National Park and then process the films on the first day. On the second day we make the contact prints of the previous days films followed by printing some of your negatives from those films and one or two others you have brought with you. This costs £600.
If you want to bring someone else along it’s a good way to split the cost. I will take up to 2 people on darkroom workshops and up to 3 on photo courses.
Send me an email with details of what you are interested in doing and we can sort it from there.
Please give us your preferred dates and we’ll do our best to accommodate you.